Most Trusted Service Animal Company In America

Why Train Your Dog With Us?

This course was designed by a team of professional service dog trainers with more than 20 years of experience. These are the same service dog trainers who charge upwards of $10,000 for in person training sessions.
Our online psychiatric service dog training is 95% cheaper than in person training sessions and similarly effective.
Recognized In All 50 States
Regardless of where you live, if you qualify for a service animal (have a physical or psychological disability) and your dog passes our class then you will receive all the service animal benefits.
Meets Airline & Housing Requirements
Once your dog passes this class they will qualify to fly in the cabin of a plane for free and will be exempt from pet deposits and pet rent.

What's Included
In Your Online Training?

Training clicker
8 Modules
9 training videos
Individual professional trainer support
Trained service dog certificate upon program completion
Add on a service vest, collar, collar tag, leash and more.

Can Psychiatric Service Dogs
Fly For Free?

As long as you have a diagnosed disability, and your service dog is fully trained to perform at least one task to help with your disability’s symptoms, they can fly in the cabin of an airplane with you for free. Your pup must also be non-aggressive, well-behaved, and able to avoid relieving themselves inappropriately for the length of the flight.

The Benefits of Having a Psychiatric Service Dog

You Can Live Anywhere With Your Service Dog

Service dogs are exempt from no-pet policies in houses, apartments, and college dorms.

Bring Your Service Dog With You to an Airbnb

Feel supported while you travel.

Avoid Pet Fees and Deposits

Since they're medically necessary, service dogs are exempt from all pet fees, pet rent, and pet deposits.

Bring Your Service Dog to Public Spaces

Service dogs are granted public access and can accompany you nearly anywhere.

Fly In Airplane Cabins for Free With You

All airlines must allow your service dog to accompany you in the airplane cabin for no charge.

Valid Nationwide

Your service dog will have the same rights anywhere you go in the USA.

Why Choose Dog Academy?

Our Course Is Designed By Experts

Like all of our courses, our PSD training program has been created with our team of professional, AKC-certified dog trainers with more than 20 years of experience. This ensures that our course is effective and rich, while also being clear and thorough enough to be suitable for even a first-time dog trainer! Plus, it only uses positive, reward-based training that works with your dog's psychology - and encourages a deeper bond between you and your PSD!

We Make Getting a PSD Accessible to All

It's no secret that getting a service animal can be extremely difficult; waiting lists with non-profits are long, a trained PSD can cost up to $50,000, and many online training courses are unclear or incomplete. We're here to change that. Not only is our course up to 95% less expensive than in-person training, but it's designed to be accessible to those with mental or emotional disabilities. We firmly believe everyone who needs a PSD should be able to have one - and we work hard to make that possible.

Our Support Team Is Always Here For You

When you train your PSD with Dog Academy, you're never on your own. Our outstanding customer service team is empathetic, well-informed, and easy to reach - whether by phone, email, or live chat on our website. Since every team member has experience training pups, they're always equipped to answer your questions, and will be there by your side as you help prepare your dog to be a service animal!

What Some of Our Psychiatric Service Dog Customers Are Saying

See what some of the thousands of people we've helped are saying:

Why Dog Academy Has the
Best Psychiatric Service Dog Training Program

When compared to the leading service dog trainers online, Dog Academy comes out on top. From a money-back guarantee to 24/7 customer support to AKC-certified trainers, it has everything you need to help your pup become the best PSD possible. When compared to the competition, Dog Academy clearly is the head of the pack.

Money Back Guarantee
Legal Support
24/7 Customer Support
Certified Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
BBB Ratings
TrustPilot Reviews
Money Back Guarantee
Legal Support
24/7 Customer Support
Certified Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
BBB Rating
TrustPilot Reviews
Money Back Guarantee
Legal Support
Certified Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
BBB Rating
TrustPilot Reviews
Money Back Guarantee
Legal Support
Certified Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
BBB Rating
TrustPilot Reviews
Money Back Guarantee
Legal Support
Certified Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
Good for Beginner Trainers
BBB Rating
TrustPilot Reviews

Here is a sneak preview of what you will learn in our
best-selling Psychiatric Service Dog training course:

Lesson One
What They Are and Why They're Important?

This covers the basics of what a service dog is and core fundamentals you need to know before you begin training, including:

  • Why service dogs are a good treatment option, and who they can help
  • What public access rights service dogs are granted, what tasks they can perform, and what breeds should be considered
  • A general overview of how service dogs are trained
Lesson Two
Understanding the Importance of Basic Training

This lesson covers the core components of our highly effective, reward-based training method. You'll learn:

  • How to use the clicker training technique
  • Common foundational commands all service dogs must know
  • How to pick up a dog of any size
Lesson Three
Beyond Basic Training

Once the basics are mastered, we dive into more complex foundational techniques, including:

  • Teaching your dog to avoid distractions
  • Training your dog to “nudge” you when needed
  • Making sure your dog will always come when called
Lesson Four
Building Service Dog Skills

Once basic training has been covered, it's time to move into training your dog for service tasks! In this less, you'll learn:

  • What tether training is and why it's vital for a service dog
  • How to train your dog to enter, ride in, and safely exit a vehicle
  • How to train your dog to find and retrieve items
Lesson Five
Psychiatric Disabilities and Common Misconceptions

This lesson explores the relationship between Service Dogs and the mental health disabilities they can treat. We cover:

  • A detailed look at the tasks you can train your service dog to perform
  • Changes to mental health treatment options and why service dogs are such a helpful choice
  • Common myths and misconceptions about service dogs
Lesson Six
Training Service Dog Tasks

Here, we'll teach you how to train your dog to perform specific service dog tasks, including:

  • Recognizing psychiatric disability symptoms and when to help
  • Performing “Deep Pressure Therapy,” “orbiting,” and helpful face licking
  • Finding an exit and helping their handler leave a triggering environment
Lesson Seven
Public Access Test

Service dogs must prove they can behave and perform well in public settings through a public access test. In this lesson, we'll prepare you and your pup for this by:

  • Covering the test requirements for both the dog and the handler
  • Offering tips on how to cope with psychiatric disability symptoms during the test
  • Explaining what to do if you should fail the test
Lesson Eight
Service Dog Training Course Review

To make sure you feel fully comfortable with all the material, we'll review important elements of the course, including:

  • Tips that will help you when training your dog to perform any service dog tasks
  • The key takeaways from all previous lessons
  • A final exam

Who Qualifies For A Psychiatric Service Dog?

Any individual receiving assistance from a dog that performs a task directly related to a psychological or physical disability may qualify for a service dog.

Do you suffer from any of the below disabilities?
  • Clinical depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bi-polar disorder
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Austism
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders
Train your dog to perform any of these common service dog tasks:
  • Balance Assistance
  • React/Alert to specific sounds
  • Find a person/place
  • Retrieve Medications
  • Ground and reorient
  • Room Search
  • Interrupt and Redirect
  • Stabilize routines
  • Navigation and buffering
  • Tactile stimulation and pressure therapy

Any Dog Can Qualify!

  • No Breed, Size or Weight Restriction
  • Trained to perform work or task
  • Behave in public and under control of handler
  • Animal must be up to date with all vaccinations
  • Dog can be self trained or by a professional

Service Dog FAQs

To give you all the info you need before you begin our service dog training program, we've gathered the answers to the most common questions here.

A service dog, according to the Americans With Disabilities Act, is any dog that has been specifically trained to perform at least one task to assist their handler with the symptoms of a diagnosed disability, including mental health disorders, mobility issues, or vision impairments.
Service dogs are granted significant rights over companion animals because they are deemed medically necessary. They’re allowed public access, including the ability to fly with their handler for free in an airline cabin, and can live in any housing regardless of pet policies.
Yes, as part of their public access rights, service dogs are allowed to fly with you for free in the cabin of any airplane. Your service dog must also be well behaved, able to resist relieving themselves inappropriately for the duration of the flight, and must not be aggressive.
As long as you have a diagnosed disability with a minimum of one symptom that could be helped by a service dog, you may qualify. You’ll need to speak with our doctor or licensed mental healthcare worker in order to know for sure if a service dog is right for you.
A service dog is trained to perform specific tasks to mitigate symptoms of a disability. However, an ESA helps their human through their presence - not trained tasks. Both are granted housing rights in all properties, but only service dogs have public access rights.
Any dog with a temperament well-suited to the training can become a service dog, regardless of size, age, or breed. Plus, service dogs are exempt from all weight or breed restrictions set by landlords or public spaces.
Yes, your service dog legally must be allowed to live with you in any housing, including college dorms, regardless of any no-pet policy or breed or weight restrictions. They also are exempt from pet rent, pet fees, or pet deposits.
Legally speaking, these accessories are not required. However, many handlers find using these tools make it more clear to others that their pup is a working dog, which may help prevent confrontations or prevent strangers from attempting to pet the dog while working.
A psychiatric service dog is simply a type of service dog that has been trained to perform a task that helps a handler mitigate the symptoms of a mental health disorder. Legally, they are treated the same as any other service dog and enjoy all their same rights.