Our Training Video Library

Select a training video below for details

Watch The Psychology of Begging Behavior in Dogs
The Psychology of Begging Behavior in Dogs

Learn the basics of why your dog begs from a psychological standpoint.

Watch Teach Your Dog to Automatically Sit When Halted
Teach Your Dog to Automatically Sit When Halted

Teach your dog to perform an automatic "Sit" command when they are instructed to halt.

Watch Why You Should Only Give Your Dog One Verbal Command at a Time
Why You Should Only Give Your Dog One Verbal Command at a Time

Learn about the importance of giving your dog a single verbal command at a time.

Watch How to Teach Your Dog to Be Proactive
How to Teach Your Dog to Be Proactive

Teach your dog how to be proactive.

Watch How to Correctly Teach Your Dog Verbal Commands
How to Correctly Teach Your Dog Verbal Commands

The best way to teach your dog verbal commands.

Watch How to Train Your Dog to Perform Any Behavior
How to Train Your Dog to Perform Any Behavior

Teach your dog to perform any behavior with this easy tutorial.

Watch 10 Behaviors To Teach Your Dog Using Luring
10 Behaviors To Teach Your Dog Using Luring

Use luring to teach your dog these 10 essential behaviors.

Watch Quickest Way to Get Your Dog to Re-Sit
Quickest Way to Get Your Dog to Re-Sit

Quickly teach your dog to re-sit with this tutorial.

Watch How to Teach Your Dog to Obey Hand Signals from Distance
How to Teach Your Dog to Obey Hand Signals from Distance

Train your dog to obey hand signals when they are far away from you.

Watch Problem Solving Your Dog's Issues with Dock Diving
Problem Solving Your Dog's Issues with Dock Diving

This video will help you troubleshoot some common problems that might come up while training your dog to dock dive.

Watch Train Your Dog to Perform Commands from Distance
Train Your Dog to Perform Commands from Distance

Teach your dog to obey commands when they are far away from you.

Watch Teach Your Dog to Change Positions with a Command
Teach Your Dog to Change Positions with a Command

Train your dog to change positions on command.