Our Training Video Library

Select a training video below for details

Watch Understanding the Importance of Reward Placement
Understanding the Importance of Reward Placement

Learn proper reward placement technique with this guide.

Watch How to Teach Your Dog the Backwards Follow Exercise
How to Teach Your Dog the Backwards Follow Exercise

Train your dog to perform the "backwards follow" exercise.

Watch Easy Trick for Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called from Distance
Easy Trick for Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called from Distance

Use this easy trick to get your dog to come (recall) from distance.

Watch Recall Off High Distraction
Recall Off High Distraction

Teach your dog to return to you on command while in high distraction environments.

Watch Recall Training 101 - Giving Attention Outside
Recall Training 101 - Giving Attention Outside

Help your dog stay focused and return to you on command while outdoors.