Our Training Video Library

Select a training video below for details

Watch Dog Training Trick Tutorial: Sit Pretty (Beg)
Dog Training Trick Tutorial: Sit Pretty (Beg)

Teach your dog how to sit pretty.

Watch Training Your Dog to Listen: The Fundamentals of Focus
Training Your Dog to Listen: The Fundamentals of Focus

Teach your dog to listen and focus on you.

Watch Teaching Your Dog to Walk Backwards
Teaching Your Dog to Walk Backwards

Train your dog to walk backwards on command.

Watch How to Train Your Dog to Be Engaged with You
How to Train Your Dog to Be Engaged with You

Teach your dog to stay focused and engaged while training!

Watch Fun and Effective Techniques for Training Your Puppy
Fun and Effective Techniques for Training Your Puppy

Train your puppy to be confident and focused during training sessions with these fun and effective techniques.

Watch Mastering Obedience with Two Dogs at Once
Mastering Obedience with Two Dogs at Once

Learn how to deal with multiple dogs at once during training sessions.

Watch How to Create a Positive Association with Your Dog's Name
How to Create a Positive Association with Your Dog's Name

Teaching your dog their name and creating a positive association between their name and behavior.

Watch How to Easily Teach Your Dog "Heel"
How to Easily Teach Your Dog "Heel"

Teach your dog to heel at your side.

Watch Teach Your Puppy Impulse Control
Teach Your Puppy Impulse Control

Help your puppy stay focused by working on their impulse control.

Watch Teach Your Dog the "1-2-3" Game
Teach Your Dog the "1-2-3" Game

Help your dog stay focused with the "1-2-3" game.

Watch Tips for Feeding Your Dog
Tips for Feeding Your Dog

Use these helpful tips to teach your dog manners while feeding.

Watch Teach Your Dog a Focused Heel Part 1
Teach Your Dog a Focused Heel Part 1

A guide to teaching your dog how to learn a focused heel.