Fluffy Frenchie: Your Complete Guide
French bulldogs are known for having short, coarse hair. That said, some French bulldogs have a gene that causes them to have longer hair. French bulldogs with the LH gene have long and fluffy hair that’s soft to the touch. While this gene occurs naturally in some French bulldogs, it’s a rare gene that’s hard to find. Plus, for a French bulldog to have longer hair, two LH genes need to be present during breeding. Still, Fluffy Frenchies are simply French bulldogs with the LH gene that gives them longer hair.
While Fluffy Frenchies have longer hair, they look and behave the same as French bulldogs. Therefore, they’re small and compact with a muscular build. Fluffy Frenchies are also a desirable breed, which makes them harder to find than the average French bulldog. That said, they’re great dogs and even better pets.
If you’re interested in learning more about Fluffy Frenchies or want to adopt one, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the Fluffy Frenchie breed.
Quick Look at Fluffy Frenchies
Fluffy Frenchies are similar to French bulldogs, so they share many of the same attributes (aside from their hair). Below we have some quick facts about Fluffy Frenchies.
Weight/Height | 11-13 inches tall, 16-28 pounds |
Coat Type | Medium length and fluffy |
Grooming Needs | ![]() |
Shedding | ![]() |
Temperament | Playful, social, keen, affectionate, relaxed, alert |
Good With Kids | ![]() |
Good With Other Animals | ![]() |
Intelligence | ![]() |
Easy to Train | ![]() |
Energy Level | ![]() |
Barking Habits | ![]() |
Lifespan | 11 to 14 years |
What Is the History of the Fluffy Frenchie?
The history of the Fluffy Frenchie starts with the story behind the French bulldog. Like other bulldog breeds, the French bulldog was bred for baiting bulls in England. While the French bulldog was used for bull-baiting, the sport was outlawed in the 1800s. During this transitional period, many bulldog breeds became less popular. Still, after 1835 French bulldogs started to change as a breed. Over time, they became less aggressive and more of a companion dog. French bulldogs also shrank in size due to breeding with terriers. Once the breed was smaller, they became popular in dog shows. Then, many people began moving to France because of the industrial revolution, and French bulldogs started to become smaller in size than English bulldogs.
In France, there was a renaissance for French bulldogs. The dogs became popular among the upper classes because of their small size and glamorous appearance. Furthermore, the lower classes could afford to house and care for French bulldogs because of their small size and mild temperament. While the origin of Fluffy Frenchies is not well-documented, the LH gene that produces the fluffier coat has likely been around since French bulldogs became a breed. That said, Fluffy Frenchies likely became rarer than French bulldogs because the long coat was less desirable during their time as a bull-baiting breed.
Another factor to consider is the use of terriers in breeding, which is likely the cause of the Fluffy Frenchie’s pointy ears. Many breeders believe that breeding between bulldogs and terriers also could have influenced the breed’s size and temperament.
What Do Fluffy Frenchies Look Like?
Fluffy Frenchies are similar in appearance to French bulldogs. The only notable difference between the breeds is the presence of the LH gene, which gives Fluffy Frenchies a longer coat. That said, the fluffy fur is still short and not much longer than the fur of traditional French bulldogs. This means that many of the colors remain the same, and the breed has many unique colors that range from brown, blue, tan, grey, and even black. Fluffy Frenchies also have similar tails to French bulldogs. Their tails can be screw-like or straight, and they hang low to the ground. These dogs also have pointy ears, which is a result of terrier breeding.
Fluffy Frenchies are also small dogs. They’re only about 12 inches tall and typically weigh about 20 points. While they’re small, Fluffy Frenchies are strong and compact. Fluffy Frenchies are also known for their square heads and dark eyes. Their coat varies in color, but most Fluffy Frenchies have dark colors.
In some cases, Fluffy Frenchies have a light eye color, but this is more common in dogs with lighter coloring. It’s also important to note that Fluffy Frenchies have more fur around their neck and face than French bulldogs, which is a result of the breed having longer hair.
What Size Is a Fluffy Frenchie?
Fluffy Frenchies are between 11 and 13 inches tall. While they’re small and compact, they’re also wide with a strong build. Fluffy Frenchies also weigh between 16 and 28 pounds. Their size also depends on their gender. Males are slightly larger than females.
What Is a Fluffy Frenchie’s Coat Type?
Fluffy Frenchies have coats that are similar to French bulldogs. The difference is that Fluffy Frenchies have softer hair and more of it around their face. Fluffy Frenchies also don’t shed often and have easy coats to maintain with proper brushing and grooming.
What Is a Fluffy Frenchie’s Temperament?
Fluffy Frenchies share their temperament with French bulldogs. They don’t typically bark unless provoked, and they’re social dogs, which means they get along with people and other animals (cats and dogs). Fluffy Frenchies are also affectionate and love to be around their owners. That said, they have less energy than some smaller breeds.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Affectionate?
Fluffy Frenchies are affectionate dogs. These dogs love to hang out with their owners and other dogs. Furthermore, Fluffy Frenchies like to sit on and around their owners. For this reason, they can be found sleeping in the same bed as their owners quite often. Fluffy Frenchies also enjoy being cared for and are excited when affection is given to them.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good With Kids?
Fluffy Frenchies are great with kids because they’re social animals and have a calm temperament. Plus, Fluffy Frenchies are stocky enough to play with children without the risk of injury. You also don’t have to worry about Fluffy Frenchies being aggressive with children because that trait was mostly bred out from the breed.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good With Other Animals?
Fluffy Frenchies are social dogs, so they’re great with other animals. These dogs love to play with other dogs and don’t mind living with other dogs. It’s always best to introduce a Fluffy Frenchie to another dog at a young age, but socialization is possible at any age. Fluffy Frenchies are also good with cats, but they might take some time to open up to cats, so we recommend introducing them at a young age.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Aggressive?
Fluffy Frenchies are typically not aggressive dogs. They have a calm temperament, so they’re only aggressive when provoked. While this depends on the dog and its upbringing, the average Fluffy Frenchie is relaxed, calm, and affectionate. That said, it’s a good idea to watch them around children in case of rough playing and biting.
Do Fluffy Frenchies Bark A Lot?
Fluffy Frenchies do not bark a lot. These dogs don’t bark unless they’re provoked, which makes them great watchdogs. When they’re puppies they are more likely to bark, but as they get older they calm down and become less vocal.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Intelligent?
Fluffy Frenchies have average intelligence. While they’re not the smartest dogs around, Fluffy Frenchies can be trained and learn commands. Fluffy Frenchies might not fly through training as fast as some dogs, but potty training and simple commands like sit are easy to teach. Therefore, they’re about average when it comes to intelligence compared to dogs of all sizes.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Easy to Train?
Fluffy Frenchies are not the smartest dogs, but they’re not dumb either. The average Fluffy Frenchie is easy to train and can learn basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “down.” That said, it might take a Fluffy Frenchie longer than some other dogs to get used to these commands. Fluffy Frenchies also become harder to train as they get older.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Energetic?
Fluffy Frenchies are energetic dogs when they’re puppies –like most puppies. That said, Fluffy Frenchies calm down when they get older. While they still love to play and go on walks, they’re not high-energy dogs. Fluffy Frenchies also don’t often bark, which is another indication of their calmness as they grow out of the puppy phase. Still, they like to chew on things (including you!).
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good Apartment Dogs?
Fluffy Frenchies are good apartment dogs because of their small size and mild temperament. This makes them a great fit for people living in urban environments because they don’t bark at everything they see. That said, you should always speak with your landlord and fellow tenants before bringing a Fluffy Frenchie into your apartment.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good Watchdogs?
Fluffy Frenchies make excellent watchdogs because they don’t bark unless provoked. They are great if you’re looking for a dog that will alert you to danger or an important event. While they’re not the most aggressive and won’t deter threats, you’ll know that something is wrong when they’re barking.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good Service Dogs?
Fluffy Frenchies can be service dogs, but they’re not the best breed for it. While they’re calm and attentive, they’re not great as guide dogs because of their size and average intelligence. However, Fluffy Frenchies make great emotional support animals (ESAs) and therapy dogs because they’re emotionally intelligent and comforting.
How to Care for a Fluffy Frenchie?
Caring for a Fluffy Frenchie is not challenging. While you have to be patient with them during the training process, keeping them well-fed and groomed is almost hassle-free. To care for a Fluffy Frenchie just make sure you give them attention and food; that’s about all these dogs need to be happy. We also recommend brushing out their coat to prevent knotting if you don’t keep their hair short.
Do You Need to Groom a Fluffy Frenchie?
Fluffy Frenchies need to be groomed but not as much as other long-haired breeds. While they need to be groomed more often than traditional French bulldogs because of their long hair, their grooming needs are still minimal. With frequent brushing, you only need to groom Fluffy Frenchies monthly or every few months. The amount of grooming they need depends on how much brushing you do, which should be done daily or weekly.
Do Fluffy Frenchies Shed?
Fluffy Frenchies shed more than traditional French bulldogs but not often. You won’t have to worry about cleaning hair off your furniture every day, but it does need to be done from time to time. That said, their shedding is minimal compared to some breeds like golden retrievers. Plus, their coats are great for people with allergies because of their Infrequent shedding.
What Should a Fluffy Frenchie Eat?
Fluffy Frenchies are medium-sized dogs, so they require a balanced diet. While feeding Fluffy Frenchies is not challenging, there are some things to consider. First and foremost, make sure they’re getting about 30 calories per pound. You should feed them more as puppies but slow down once they get older to prevent weight gain. Fluffy Frenchies should also have a lean diet that consists of natural food and meats. For meats, we recommend meats that are easy to digest, like chicken, fish, and some cuts of beef. Also, be sure to include fiber-rich foods in their diet to aid with digestion.
What Health Problems Do Fluffy Frenchies Have?
Fluffy Frenchies have many of the same health problems that French bulldogs have. That said, Fluffy Frenchies don’t have a lot of health problems compared to some breeds. We’re going to take you through the most common health problems that Fluffy Frenchies deal with. These are listed below:
- Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome: A condition that occurs do the structure of their face that makes it hard for them to breathe properly
- Temperature regulation: Because of their obstructed airways, Fluffy Frenchies struggle to pant and remain cool in hot environments
- Knee problems: Fluffy Frenchies are more likely to have dislocated kneecaps (patella)
- Eye problems: Their square face makes Fluffy Frenchies prone to some eye problems like glaucoma, cherry eye (the third eyelid sliding in their eye), and corneal ulcers
- Skin problems: Bacteria can grow in the folds of their skin if not bathed properly
- Spine problems: Previous issues with breeding Frenchies have led to spinal problems with disks and butterfly vertebrae
One important factor to consider about the health of Fluffy Frenchies is their tail. Fluffy Frenchies with screw-type tails are more likely to have spinal issues.
How Long Do Fluffy Frenchies Live?
Fluffy Frenchies typically live between 11 and 14 years. Their lifespan depends on diet, exercise, health issues, and some other factors. In some cases, Fluffy Frenchies with screw-style tails live shorter lives because of potential spinal problems. Some Fluffy Frenchies can also exceed this lifespan, but expensive surgeries to repair breathing might need to be done later in life.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Expensive?
Fluffy Frenchies are expensive compared to traditional French bulldogs and some other designer breeds. While the average French bulldog costs between $1,500 and $3,500, Fluffy Frenchies cost between $5,000 and $16,000. The price difference is due to the rare presence of the LH gene. Furthermore, females cost more than males (on average).
How Can I Find a Fluffy Frenchie Breeder?
Fluffy Frenchies can be found across the United States from many breeders. That said, they are a rare breed, which means that you should only work with reputable breeders. Moreover, Fluffy Frenchies require a lot of care to prevent health issues, so this should factor into your choice of breeder. We recommend looking online for Fluffy Frenchie breeders and making sure they have good reviews and customer feedback.
Can You Adopt a Fluffy Frenchie?
Fluffy Frenchies can be adopted, but they’re hard to find. These dogs are challenging to adopt because of their high price and rarity. However, Fluffy Frenchies can be found in shelters when they get older because some pet owners don’t want to deal with potential health issues. If you’re looking to adopt a Fluffy Frenchie, we recommend visiting local shelters, looking online, and calling around.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Purebred?
Fluffy Frenchies are purebred dogs. While they’re fluffier than traditional French bulldogs, Fluffy Frenchies are bred from French bulldogs with the LH gene. Therefore, they’re purebred French bulldogs with a slight genetic variation. That said, some breeders don’t believe that the Fluffy Frenchie breed is its own breed. For this reason, it depends on the breeder and your opinion of Fluffy Frenchies.
Are Fluffy Frenchies Good for New Dog Owners?
Fluffy Frenchies are great dogs for new owners because of their calm temperament and infrequent barking. Fluffy Frenchies are also fantastic for new dog owners because they’re not hard to care for. Feeding them is simple, and they don’t shed a lot or require frequent grooming. That said, the health issues that can occur from their face structure down the line are important to consider.
Is a Fluffy Frenchie the Right Dog for Me?
Fluffy Frenchies are great animals and will make most dog owners happy. That said, they aren’t right for everyone. There are some pros and cons to consider before adding a Fluffy Frenchie to your family.
We’ll start with the good:
- Minimal grooming needs
- Trainable
- Good with children
- Great with other animals
- Social
- Easy to walk
- Great watchdogs
- Affectionate
- Playful
- Infrequent barking (quiet)
- Good apartment dogs
- Great for emotional support
And now for the bad:
- Expensive
- Hard to find (rare)
- Potential health problems due to their face structure and spine
Fluffy Frenchies are a great fit for you if you can take the good with the bad. That said, Fluffy Frenchies typically make great pets and would love to be with an affectionate owner!