Corgi: Your Complete Guide

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The corgi is one of the most distinctive dog breeds around. Most people can easily recognize these short-legged pups with their triangle ears, friendly faces, and somewhat round bodies. Corgis have a long history, and these dogs were originally bred as working and herding dogs. Today, corgis are happy members of active families and enjoy adventures alongside their owners.

If you are considering adding a corgi to your family, it’s important to be informed about what it takes to care for this breed. You must provide your corgi with care suited to their needs, in addition to regular veterinary care, to keep them happy and healthy. Our guide tells you all you need to know about this breed so you can decide if the corgi is the right dog for you.

Quick Look at the Corgi

Below is a quick glance at the corgi dog breed in terms of their physical characteristics, lifespan, temperament, and grooming needs.

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Weight/Height 10 to 12 inches, 30 pounds
Coat Type Double-coated, soft, thick, straight
Grooming Needs
Temperament Loyal, energetic, friendly, independent
Good With Kids
Good With Other Animals
Easy to Train
Energy Level
Barking Habits
Lifespan 12 to 15 years

What Is the History of Corgis?

What most people think of when they think of corgis is the Pembroke Welsh corgi. This is the smaller species of corgi that generally appears with a docked tail. The other popular breed of corgi, the Cardigan corgi, is larger, and they tend to have longer tails that are not docked when they are puppies.

The Pembroke Welsh corgi originated in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and Welsh legend states that corgis sprang from the homes of fairies and elves, and fairies would saddle up corgis to ride them. This story is supported by the saddle markings that corgis have on their shoulders, adding a fun fairytale history to this unique dog.

Truthfully, the Pembroke Welsh corgi is most likely descended from Vallhunds, which are Swedish cattle dogs. These dogs were introduced to Wales around the 9th and tenth centuries, likely by Vikings. However, the true origins of the corgi are hard to pin down.

Over the years, the corgi grew in popularity as a herding dog, and their tails were docked to avoid cattle and people stepping on them as this dog is already fairly low to the ground due to its shorter legs. In the 1920s, the corgi breed was registered by the UK Kennel Club, and they were officially recognized in 1934 by the American Kennel Club. The AKC registered Pembroke Welsh corgis and Cardigan corgis as separate breeds.

Today, the corgi is well-known as one of the British royal family’s favorite dogs, and they are becoming increasingly popular around the United States. These dogs have a playful nature, lots of energy, and form strong, loyal bonds with their owners that make them a favorite among many.

What Do Corgis Look Like?

Corgis have distinctive foxlike faces with notable dark, intelligent eyes and pointed triangular ears. Pembroke Welsh corgis have docked tails, while the Cardigan corgis have long tails. The Pembroke corgi is small to medium in size, with short legs and a robust body. These dogs typically have a coat that is red, sable, or fawn, and they are usually tri-colored with the colors of red, black, tan, and white. They have a distinctive “saddle” marking on their bodies.

What Size Is a Corgi?

The corgi is a small to medium-sized dog, and they typically stand between 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder. They weigh an average of 30 pounds, and the males of this breed are usually a little larger and weigh more than the females.

What Is a Corgi’s Coat Type and Length?

Corgis have a double coat, meaning they have a thick undercoat and a longer top coat. Their fur is soft and straight, and it typically isn’t very long, though you may occasionally see a corgi with longer fur.

What Is a Corgi’s Temperament?

Corgis are playful, and they have a generally friendly and energetic disposition. This dog is intelligent, fiercely loyal to its owners, and affectionate, though you can expect your corgi to have their own independent personality. Some corgis have a stubborn streak, and early socialization is important to ensuring that your corgi can understand how to properly interact with the world around them.

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Overall, the corgi is a fun-loving little dog, happy to accompany its owners on any adventure, as long as they have their own little space to curl up in at home at the end of a long day.

Are Corgis Good With Kids?

Corgis are generally good with children of all ages, and they are quite tolerant when it comes to interacting with children. However, very small children might not make the best companions for the corgi, as this dog breed still has herding instincts and may try to herd children.

You should always monitor interactions between your corgi and any children to make sure that both are safe and free from interactions that could cause harm.

Are Corgis Good With Other Animals?

For the most part, corgis are fine with other animals. They get along well with other dogs and sometimes cats, though they might sometimes feel the urge to chase smaller animals. These dogs do need proper socialization and training, as they may sometimes feel very stubborn or offended by another animal trying to share their space, causing them to act out.

Make sure you make proper introductions between any other animals in your home and your corgi before allowing them to exist together without monitoring.

Are Corgis Aggressive?

Corgis are not naturally aggressive, and they aren’t known for being particularly territorial or exhibiting behaviors like barking or growling. That being said, they can be fairly willful, and they might misbehave with behaviors like barking or nipping if something isn’t to their liking. Proper training can help to stop these unwanted behaviors.

Do Corgis Bark?

Corgis are pretty vocal dogs, and while they might not bark constantly like some breeds, they have no problem making their demands known or simply showing a wide range of noises to their owners in order to communicate their needs. You can do training with your corgi to curb their barking at unnecessary things, but expect your dog to share their opinions with you through barks or other noises from time to time.

Are Corgis Affectionate?

The corgi is an affectionate dog breed, and these pups love to cuddle with their owners and be pets. In general, these dogs desire interaction and encouragement, and they will warm up to strangers fairly quickly if there is potential for special treats and attention. Your corgi will enjoy spending all their time at your side, and they will likely want to curl up next to you on the couch when you aren’t out having adventures together.

Are Corgis Intelligent?

Corgis are considered very intelligent, and these dogs are easy to train because of this. The herding instincts in this dog remain despite the fact that they are more commonly seen as family pets these days, and this makes them alert and curious. The corgi may easily learn patterns and tricks, and they can use their intelligence to cause a little bit of trouble if they want things to go their way.

Are Corgis Energetic?

Corgis are very energetic despite their small size, and they do need a good amount of exercise. These formerly working dogs love to spend their time outdoors, and they will need to be walked at least three times a day for a moderate period. You can take your dog on hikes with you, allow them to run around in fenced-in areas and dog parks, and dedicate playtime each day to ensure they are happy and healthy.

Are Corgis Easy to Train?

Corgis are pretty easy to train for the most part, mostly due to their high intelligence and their urge to please their owners and interact positively with their favorite humans. They can learn complex tricks most of the time, but their shorter legs might discount them from difficult agility training. However, some corgis do have a stubborn streak, and you might need to make training worth their time with high-value treats and praise.

Are Corgis Good Watchdogs?

Corgis make good watchdogs before they are alert and watchful of their homes. This stems from their history as herding dogs. They may bark to alert their owners to a potential threat, but you might not want to rely on them for guarding duty too much, as they easily make friends with new people who approach them in a friendly way.

Are Corgis Good Service Dogs?

Corgis aren’t the best service dogs around as their smaller size makes it difficult for them to complete many of the tasks that service dogs need to learn, such as opening and closing doors or retrieving items for their owners. These dogs are fairly eager to please their owners and affectionate, however, which makes them a good fit for acting as an emotional support dog or being trained as a therapy dog.

How to Care for a Corgi?

Corgis are relatively low maintenance compared to other dog breeds, and you don’t need to provide this breed with too much specialized care. Corgis will need regular and consistent walks each day combined with a good amount of dedicated playtime, and they will benefit from outdoor adventures when possible. You will need to socialize your dog as early as possible, and training can help keep them mentally stimulated and well-behaved around others.

Give your corgi their own space in your home, complete with a bed, toys, and other items to make them comfortable. You will need to feed them a high-quality diet of wet or dry dog food and carefully monitor their intake, as this breed is prone to obesity. Give them a brush once or twice a week to keep their coat in good shape and trim their nails or clean their teeth as necessary.

Do You Need to Groom a Corgi?

Corgis are not the most grooming-intensive breed, but you will need to brush them once or twice a week to remove any shed fur from their undercoats and to keep them tangle-free. Give them baths as needed, and take them to a professional groomer every so often if they need a trim and full puppy spa-day experience.

Do Corgis Shed?

Corgis shed about an average amount, and they are not considered hypoallergenic. Your corgi will go through two major shedding seasons each year, and they may shed small amounts throughout the year. Regular brushing and baths can help catch fur before it ends up around your home.

What Health Problems Do Corgis Have?

Corgis are prone to certain health issues due to genetic reasons, and it’s important to keep an eye out for these issues. Common corgi health problems include:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Dental issues, including gum disease
  • Obesity
  • Allergies, including fleas, food, and environmental
  • Back problems

Make sure to provide your dog with proper care and a healthy diet, and take them to the vet on a regular basis to ensure you catch any health issues before they turn into something more serious.

How Long Do Corgis Live?

The average corgi lives between 12 and 15 years old, and you can encourage a longer lifespan by making sure your dog goes to the vet at least once or twice a year and providing them with proper care.

What Should a Corgi Eat?

In general, your corgi should eat between 3/4 of a cup and one and a half cups of high-quality wet or dry dog food each day. The exact amount of food depends on its caloric content, your dog’s size and daily exercise amounts, and any special health issues. If you have questions or concerns about feeding your dog, make sure to ask your veterinarian for guidance.

Is a Corgi the Right Dog for Me?

The corgi is quickly becoming one of the most popular family pets around today due to its adorable small stature, bold and playful personality, and high intelligence. These dogs love to be active, and they fit well into families that will take them on outdoor adventures, provide them with their own special place at home to relax, and dedicate training time and socialization time to them. Corgis are not dogs that can be left home alone for very long hours, and they need to spend ample time with their humans to be happy.

As long as you provide your corgi with loving care, lots of exercise, and training, they are sure to be the right dog to brighten up your life day after day.