Best Dog Trainers

The Best Dog Training in Nashville, TN

BY DOGACADEMY UPDATED: April 24, 2023 PUBLISHED: February 17, 2023
8 minutes

No matter if you’ve adopted your dog as a puppy, brought an older dog into your home, or want to strengthen your bond with a canine family member you’ve had for a while, dog training is an essential activity.

With dog training, you gain more control over your pup, develop your bond with them, and stimulate your dog’s mind, leading to a happier and healthier dog. Obedience training is also the start of more complex skill training, something that is vital if you want to eventually utilize your pup as a service dog.

Around Nashville, there are plenty of different training options that you can choose from, both online and in-person. The choice of which dog training service to utilize is often overwhelming, which is why we’re here to help you decide which training option best fits your needs. Read on to start becoming informed about the best dog training in Nashville.

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A Quick Look at the Best Dog Training in Nashville

Our table below gives you a quick look at our selections for the best dog training in Nashville. We go into more detail about each training option later on.

Trainer Price Training Types Online / In-Person
Dog Academy $49.99 – $349.99 Obedience Training, Puppy Training, Specialty Dog Training Classes Online and In-Person
All Dogs Unleashed Call for Pricing Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs In-Person
Rocky Top Dog Training $300 – $3,700 Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs Online and In-Person
Sit Means Sit Dog Training Call for Pricing Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs, Private Lessons In-Person
The Dog Wizard Call for Pricing Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs, Private Lessons, Group Classes In-Person
Music City K9 Training $150 – $1,650 Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Private Lessons, Group Classes, Behavioral Issues (No Aggression Training) In-Person
Alpha K-9 Training Center Call for Pricing Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Behavioral Issues, Specialty Classes (Personal Protection Dog Training) In-Person

Online vs In-Person Dog Training in Nashville

man and dog looking at screen

The choice between online and in-person dog training can be difficult, especially if you are new to investigating your dog training options. There are plenty of pros and cons for each training type, which is why it’s important to keep your specific lifestyle, your goals for training your dog, and your overall dog training budget in mind.

Most of the time, online training is preferred by those that like the option of working at their own pace. Online training tends to be more cost-effective as well. On the other hand, in-person training is a better option for puppies or dogs that need more socialization, or dogs that have serious behavioral issues that require professional input to train.

It’s also important to note that regardless of which training type you utilize, you may be required to complete an intake session or a pre-training consultation to help the trainers determine the best overall plan to help meet you and your dog’s training goals.

Perks of Online and In-Person Training in Nashville

The following chart of pros and cons gives you a better sense of online versus in-person training options in Nashville. You can use the chart to determine which training format might offer you the best benefits and fits the most seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Online Training In-Person Training
Cost-effective X
Specialty dog training options
Flexible scheduling X
One-on-one instruction
Train at your own pace X
Offers dog socialization opportunities X


The Best Dog Training in Nashville

There are plenty of different dog training options in Nashville for you to choose from. Below, we give you details on the best dog training services in the area so you can decide which one best meets you and your dog’s training needs.

1). Dog Academy

dog tag saying dog academy #1 pick

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Training Consult Today!
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  • Online or In-Person: Online and In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Psychiatric Service Dog Training, Emotional Support Animal Training, Specialty Classes (e.g. Canine Confidence, Separation Anxiety)
  • Price Range: $49.99 – $349.99
  • Link to Website: Dog Academy Basic Obedience Program
  • Phone Number:605-223-1971

Dog Academy is one of the best options for dog training in Nashville, as both online and in-person training options are available. This means you can take advantage of the option that best fits your schedule and your dog’s training needs. A variety of courses are offered by Dog Academy including basic obedience and puppy training all the way to more intensive training options such as service dog training and specialty classes to deal with behavioral issues your dog might be facing.

2). All Dogs Unleashed

  • Online or In-Person: In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs, Private Training
  • Price Range: Call for Pricing
  • Link to Website:
  • Phone Number: (615) 953-7177

All Dogs Unleashed is one of the highest-rated dog training programs in Nashville. The facility offers customizable programs that are designed to help you and your dog meet specific training goals and reliably deal with canine behavioral issues. Most programs can be completed within two weeks. At All Dogs Unleashed, you have the option of board and training programs or private in-home training options. Staff will help you select the program that best suits you and your dog.

3). Rocky Top Dog Training

  • Online or In-Person: Online and In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Behavioral Issues, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs
  • Price Range: $300 – $3,700
  • Link to Website:
  • Phone Number: (615) 489-4886

Rocky Top Dog Training strives to provide the best dog training and care services out there, and they offer a range of programs that focus on basic obedience skills and puppy training. Board and train programs that last one or two weeks are available at the facility, while dog rehabilitation programs aim to rid your dog of undesirable behaviors. Virtual classes for both puppies and older dogs are available in packages of two sessions each and come with homework for you and your dog to practice between classes.

4). Sit Means Sit Dog Training

Sit Means Sit Dog Training is an in-person dog training facility that accepts any age and breed of dog, and dogs with any type of behavioral issue. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at the center is dedicated to customizing training programs to your needs and working with your pup to ensure all training goals are met by the conclusion of the program. Additional puppy training courses and private lessons are available as needed.

5). The Dog Wizard

  • Online or In-Person: In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Board and Train Programs, Private Lessons, Group Classes
  • Price Range: Call for Pricing
  • Link to Website:
  • Phone Number: (615) 729-0030

At The Dog Wizard, staff are dedicated to imparting long-lasting training on your dog, providing classes ranging from basic obedience skills and puppy training courses to group lessons. Lifetime support is provided by The Dog Wizard, so you can always seek training help and additional advice. The group classes provided by this facility aim to socialize both older and young dogs in order to encourage happier, healthier pups.

6). Music City K9 Training

  • Online or In-Person: In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Private Lessons, Group Classes, Behavioral Issues (No Aggression Training)
  • Price Range: $150 – $1,650
  • Link to Website:
  • Phone Number: (615) 810-0570

Music City K9 Training works to use your dog’s enthusiasm for learning new skills to encourage them to develop healthy habits and behaviors. Moderately-priced puppy classes are available, or you can choose from obedience lessons at home or at a public location, like a park. These private lessons are suited for all ages of dogs. Premium training options are offered if your dog needs special attention or a little more help learning advanced training tasks.

7). Alpha K-9 Training Center

  • Online or In-Person: In-Person
  • Types of Training Courses: Obedience Classes, Puppy Training, Behavioral Issues, Specialty Classes (Personal Protection Dog Training)
  • Price Range: Call for Pricing
  • Link to Website:
  • Phone Number: (615) 915-0172

With over 40 years of training experience, staff at the Alpha K-9 Training Center are ready to help your dog overcome its behavioral issues and be the best-behaved version of themselves. Alpha K-9 Training is prepared to deal with aggressive dog issues and obedience training, though puppy training and more basic skill classes are offered. This facility also helps train personal protection dogs, and consultations are required before you can enroll in training at this center.

Find the Right Dog Training for You

Finding the best dog training option for you and your pup’s needs can be confusing, especially if you aren’t sure which of Nashville’s many dog training options you should choose. When browsing our list of options, keep in mind your lifestyle, your preferences for online or in-person training, and your overall goals for your pup. Once you consider all of these factors, you will be able to make the best-informed decision about Nashville dog training services.