Webster's Details

Teacup Yorkie
3 years 3 months old, Young
Coat Color:
Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
Small 25 lbs (11 kg) or less (when grown). 10 lbs (current).

Meet Webster

I think y’all have misunderstood me because of my nickname. I am, just like Dennis the Menace was, an energetic, loving little guy who is just a bit mischievous at times. Nothing a lot of exercise and understanding won’t cure.

I love, love, love my foster home! I have pups to play with here and they have taught me to be a dog! When I first arrived in my foster home, I was what they call unsocialized. Patience and love has molded me into a fantastic boy. My foster mom tells me that all the time. She says I am a very good boy! I would love to stay here, but she said I need my own home with a more active human caring for me. The last two things that need work are housebreaking (but I will wear a belly band with no complaints) and my habit of barking at the TV.

At first I didn’t even understand being on a lap and being loved on. Things like hair dryers and vacuum cleaners set me off. I am largely desensitized to most of the things that bothered me. I still don’t like the hair dryer in my face, but I actually don’t mind being groomed at all and I LOVE to be brushed in between groomings.

I also love to sit on foster mom’s lap and I give kisses. These are things I have leaned here. At first I pretty much avoided human contact. Crates totally freaked me out. They are a definite NO in my forever home. I spent WAY too much time in one in my first year of life. The people who bought me as a puppy clearly didn’t understand how to socialize a puppy. Thank goodness they found YHR because I now see a happy life ahead of me!

Oh, I have also learned to “sit” and “shake hands”. Foster mom says I am super smart. She tells me I would probably be great at agility.

I need a younger, active forever home where I can continue to blossom! If you are not addicted to the television and love walking, maybe hiking, just generally doing fun active things that dogs love, I may be just the guy for you!

Webster AKA Dennis the Menace – We know, we know. He is adorable. All fluffy and handsome and innocent looking, like a dog you can trust with your secrets. Don’t be fooled. Yes, he is a great listener. But inside that innocuous adorable black and tan package exists tons – indeed, whole square miles – of naughty.

It's true: Webster can be a jerk, and there are many reasons you should not adopt him; but he can also be a kissie face adorable yorkie so there are also many reasons to adopt him. We believe in full disclosure and the right fit for each of our fosters. So....here goes the full disclosure on Webster AKA Dennis.

Do you like watching television in peace? Not with Webster in the house. He is so smart, he will sit and stare at the tv and if the hears a dog bark or anything that sets him off, he alerts….. well, EVERYONE. Even if he is in another room and hears something on tv, he comes running to stare at it and bark incessantly. And his bark is LOUD!

Do you own a crate? Do you plan on crate training your next dog? WRONG! Webster hates crates. He will actually rip things up and drag the crate around the room. There isn’t a pill made to fix this scenario. However, he is fine in a room with a gate or loose in the house if you must leave.

Looking for a new dog that is past the destructive phase? Keep on looking! It’s like having a toddler in the house. If there is any paper on the counter where he can reach it or if it falls to the floor, he will quickly run under the bed with it to make confetti. He is food motivated, so you can divert his attention to pick up the pieces.

Wanting a baby to watch movies with and share popcorn? No and No! Webster’s middle name is ENERGY. He will need another active pup in the home to play with and continue to learn from, as well as active parents that like to go for walks, etc.

Placing him a home with any senior pups isn’t going to work as he can be aggravating and obnoxious while all along thinking he is being cute with them. He currently wears a belly band because he will still hike his leg, but he is getting better about doing his business outside or on a pee pad. He is not the dog to let outside and be unattended. If he gets bored and finds a way out, he’s gone. Also, he will need to be watched around open doors.

He absolutely loves playing fetch with squeaky balls. He is getting better with grooming, but isn’t in love with the dryer in his face. He doesn’t really sleep with his foster mom and other pups. He usually ends up snoozing in chair or dog bed somewhere. This could change with less dogs in the mix.

With all this being said, Webster has come a long way from when he first entered his foster home. But, let’s face it, unless you're looking for a dog that will keep you on your toes, laughing AND crying, Webster is not the dog for you. We know, we know. He's super loyal, cute, the smartest foster we’ve ever had, and a lot of fun; but as we said in the beginning, he’s kind of a jerk. But he's a jerk we believe in and have come to love. Crazy how that works, huh?

After reading this, we're not expecting you to run and fill out an application. But, if you are as nuts about dogs as we are, love a challenge, are looking for the dog of a lifetime, we won't stop you. Go ahead, fill out the application…. But don’t say we didn’t warn you!

7/8/22 -My name is Merriam-Webster, but everyone calls me Webster for short. I know, I’m named after a dictionary. Wish my original humans would have looked up the word puppy in the dictionary before purchasing me and educated themselves so I wouldn’t be up for adoption right now. Anyway, this is my story on how I came to be a Yorkie Haven pup.

I was purchased when I was just week’s old by an older couple that wanted a yorkie puppy. As is actually very common, this couple did not give thought to how much work it takes to take care of a puppy. Unfortunately for me, since I was the only dog in the home, I was not socialized with other animals, or too many humans for that matter. This made me turn into a “Dennis the Menace”/“Bull in a China Shop” without an energy outlet to save me. My human parents tired of me quickly and were fed up essentially because I was simply “being a puppy”. Since I can become afraid to the point of destruction with a crate, it’s probably safe to say that I was kept in a crate a good bit as punishment for my energy. SO, NO CRATES PLEASE!

Foster mom says that I am just a little rough around the edges and with a little positive reinforcement, I’m going to be a great addition to a family. I’ve been told I can be very sweet.

I’m not housebroken yet, and currently wear something called a belly band. They are pretty awesome since if I raise my leg to mark on something, I don’t get in trouble because I don’t mess up anything…. Except for my diaper. Lol

I love to play fetch with squeaky balls and would love another active pup to play with and learn from. Going to a home with older dogs probably would not be best since I can be a bit of a pest. I reach out to play and hit them in the face with my paws and can be a badger at times. I’m sure I would be great as an only pet too as long as there’s plenty to keep me busy and I’m not left for long periods (remember, I was given up because no energy outlet made me a “bad dog”.) I like to start my night off sleeping in the bed with foster mom, but eventually get out and into a dog bed. It’s a little too crowded up there for me. So again, either an only dog, or just one or two more and the bed should have plenty space then.

I do good with a bath, but the noise of the dryer and the blowing in my face, not a fan. I’m sure this will get better with time, but if you want to offer me treats during my spa time, I might come around a lot quicker.

I’ll end my story with asking you to look up the word “lucky” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. You will find: 1. Having good luck; 2. Happening by chance; 3. Producing or resulting in good by chance; AND, 4. SOMETHING YOU WILL BE IF YOU ADOPT WEBSTER! I might have added that last one myself, but you will never know unless you adopt me now, will you?

More About Webster

  • Good with: Dogs
  • Pedigree: Purebred
  • Shots: Current
  • Spayed / Neutered: Yes
  • Adoption Fee: $500
  • Fostered in: Louisiana
  • Weight: 10.5 lbs.

Webster's Details

Teacup Yorkie
3 years 3 months old, Young
Coat Color:
Silver & Tan (Yorkie colors)
Small 25 lbs (11 kg) or less (when grown). 10 lbs (current).

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