Our Training Video Library

Select a training video below for details

Watch Simple Steps for Perfect Loose Leash Walking
Simple Steps for Perfect Loose Leash Walking

Perfect your loose leash walking technique with these simple steps.

Watch Teach Your Dog to Automatically Sit When Halted
Teach Your Dog to Automatically Sit When Halted

Teach your dog to perform an automatic "Sit" command when they are instructed to halt.

Watch Teach Your Dog the Leg Weave Trick
Teach Your Dog the Leg Weave Trick

Teach your dog to weave between your legs with this cute trick tutorial!

Watch Learn How to Teach Your Dog Competitive Agility Exercises
Learn How to Teach Your Dog Competitive Agility Exercises

Prepare your pup for competitive agility competitions with these exercises.

Watch Train Your Dog to Run on a Treadmill
Train Your Dog to Run on a Treadmill

Teach your dog to enjoy running on the treadmill for exercise and enrichment.