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girl hugging saint bernard dog

Top 20 Big Dog Breeds

Big dog breeds are plenty! There are many large dogs with a wide variety of temperaments, coat types, and care needs. With many different characteristics, there's surely a large dog breed that will adapt to your life seamlessly and become a lifelong companion. Our article will list the top 20 big dog breeds. Read on to…

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woman and dog running

Good Running Dogs

Anyone who's a runner knows how great it can be to have a running buddy. While running with friends can be a great way to socialize, sometimes you want a quieter run that doesn't involve worrying about your pace or keeping up with someone else. In these situations, a running dog might be what you're…

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senior woman sat with golden retriever

10 Best Dogs for Seniors

Hitting your senior years can feel daunting, and oftentimes, it can be incredibly lonely. In fact, studies have shown that one in three seniors in the US suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation. But you shouldn’t have to navigate this stage of life alone. A fluffy companion can help keep loneliness at bay, and they…

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great pyrenees stands before person

Low Energy Guard Dogs

Dogs are wonderful companions who can also help us feel safe, especially if they’ve been bred to protect the homestead. However, many such breeds tend to be quite active and high energy, which can be hard to handle if you work full-time, have a family, or otherwise don’t have a lot of free time. If you’re…

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