Low Energy Dogs for First-Time Owners
Dogs require a lot of commitment and care from the moment you add one to your life. While all dogs are high maintenance and require daily attention compared to many other choices of pets, there are plenty of low energy dogs that make excellent companions for first-time owners.
Our article will list low energy dogs for first-time owners. Continue reading to the end to meet these adorable breeds that don’t require long daily walks and playtime.
What First-Time Dog Owners Should Know Before Adoption
Before listing the best dog breeds for first-time owners looking for low energy dogs, here’s a brief overview of what all dogs need to help first-time owners set realistic expectations.
Exercise and Mental Stimulation
Dogs are active creatures that require daily walks and playtime. Some dogs can run around for hours, while others are completely satisfied with a quick stroll around the neighborhood. That said, all dogs need daily exercise to stay fit and active – potty breaks alone won’t be enough to meet a dog’s daily exercise needs.
Daily walks and playtime are also a way to provide dogs with mental stimulation, which some dog breeds need more than others. Oftentimes, intelligent dogs require more mental stimulation than others. Training, interactive games, dog puzzles, scent work, and exploring new sights and smells are excellent ways to provide dogs with much-needed mental stimulation.
Health and Grooming
Dogs need regular health checkups. This includes routine checks, preventative care, and other checks and procedures specific to your dog’s health needs. All these require dog owners to stay up to date with their dog’s vet visits.
Dogs also need grooming, such as ear cleaning, brushing, and haircuts. Some breeds have more extensive grooming needs than others, and it is an essential part of having a dog. Grooming is also a way to ensure your dog’s well-being. It not only helps with your dog’s appearance and comfort but also prevents health issues. Daily brushing your dog’s teeth will prevent periodontal disease, for instance.
Training and Socialization
Training and socialization are at the core of what a dog needs from their owner when young. During puppyhood, dogs require immense training and socialization to set them up for success. All dog owners must be involved in their dog’s training and socialization to ensure they grow up to become well-mannered adult dogs.
These should never be overlooked, especially for first-time dog owners. Luckily, there are countless online dog training resources that can help you train your dog at your own pace. Investing in training early will prevent behavioral issues, which can be costly to fix in terms of both money and time.
Lastly, it is important to consider the nutritional needs of the dog breed you plan on adopting. The amount of feed dogs require, possible food allergies, specialized diets, and your access to commercially available dog food are a few points to keep in mind.
When researching different breeds, review the best dog foods for each breed to ensure you’ll be able to provide your future furry friend with the best diet possible. This is particularly important for low energy breeds, as they are more susceptible to excess weight gain than other breeds.
Top 10 Low Energy Dogs for First-Time Owners
Below is our list of the top ten low energy dogs for first-time owners. We’ll take a quick look at each breed’s characteristics and explain why these dogs make great choices for first-time owners looking for a low energy dog and additional points that make them suitable for inexperienced owners.
1) Greyhound
The fastest dog breed doesn’t come to mind as the first choice for those looking for a low energy dog. While they are certainly capable of reaching incredibly high speeds, greyhounds are also the world’s fastest couch potatoes. The temperament of the breed also makes the greyhound ideal for apartment living.
Greyhounds surely enjoy engaging their athletic body with short bursts of activity, but they are just as content lounging around for most parts of the day. They require minimal exercise and maintain a calm demeanor. As long as they get to run around endlessly every now and then, a greyhound is well-suited for first-time dog owners looking for a lightning-fast couch potato.
2) Shih Tzu
Shih tzus are lap dogs that don’t need much exercise. A short walk around the home and an occasional visit to the park to meet other dogs is enough to keep these dogs satisfied. This breed is happy spending time indoors with their human, ready to receive all the affection and love they deserve.
The small size, adaptability, and easy-going personality of the shih tzu add to these, making them an excellent companion for first-time dog owners. However, shih tzus have a fair bit of grooming needs that require regular attention. They may not be the best pick for those looking for a low energy dog assuming that they are automatically low-maintenance.
3) Bernese Mountain Dog
The Bernese mountain dog is the ultimate family dog for those looking for a large companion with a big heart that doesn’t need to move around much. The Bernese mountain dog’s size can be intimidating for first-time dog owners, but the breed’s eagerness to please and intelligence make them well-rounded dogs following proper socialization and obedience training.
In many ways, Bernese mountain dogs are like golden retrievers with their playful and affectionate personality but in a bulkier, slower package. They are quick and agile dogs but don’t have the best stamina, making them demand cuddles even after a quick walk around the park.
4) Bichon Frise
The bichon frise is another small companion dog that’s considerably low energy. Although these dogs are very playful and would jump at any opportunity for playtime, they don’t have the stamina of any working dog. Bichon frises are quick to tire out and walking them for 20 to 30 minutes is usually sufficient to keep them fit.
These white, fluffy dogs are also very adaptable and trainable. They are quick to learn new things and bond strongly with their owner. While these further make them a good match for first-time owners, their grooming needs shouldn’t be underestimated. Bichon frises regular grooming, including brushing three to four times a week and routine haircuts.
5) Whippet
Whippet is yet another breed that doesn’t come to mind often when thinking about low energy dogs. This is mainly due to countless whippets dominating dog sports, from dock diving to agility. They are incredibly agile and quick dogs that are actually couch potatoes that are okay with minimal exercise.
While reaching high speeds during playtime is necessary for a dog as capable as the whippet, these dogs are typically happy with a calm 45-minute walk, where they are allowed to sniff around and explore their surroundings. They aren’t overly hyper dogs that require rigorous daily exercise.
6) Papillon
Papillon is a small dog breed with higher needs for love and attention than running around chasing a ball, though they won’t decline playtime when offered. They enjoy short walks and some playtime but are never overly demanding. Papillons are beyond satisfied with 30-minute walks and a mix of light playtime throughout the day.
Papillons are also eager to please and adapt well to their owner’s life. If you aren’t spending much time outdoors, they will adapt well to your lifestyle. However, Papillons don’t take being alone for long periods lightly. These dogs thrive on human attention and make the best breed pick for individuals and families who can be with their dogs for most of the day.
7) Great Dane
The Great Dane is one of the most popular gentle giants. They can grow up to 32 inches tall at the withers and weigh an impressive 200 pounds. If the massive size of the Great Dane isn’t intimidating for a first-time owner, know that the low exercise needs and the temperament of the breed can make Great Danes a good choice.
The laid-back personality, paired with the patience for children, also means that the Great Dane is an excellent first family dog. As long as you’re willing to invest in training early to ensure the size of the Great Dane doesn’t become difficult to manage, you’ll have a giant couch potato that enjoys nothing more than cuddles and sleep.
8) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The cavalier King Charles spaniel is one of the best breeds for any first-time dog owner. They are highly intelligent and adaptable dogs with a big heart that extends beyond their family members. Cavalier King Charles spaniels are easy-going dogs that get along well with children and other pets and have minimal socialization needs compared to the average dog.
A cavalier King Charles spaniel only needs about 20 to 30 minutes of low to moderate-intensity physical exercise to stay fulfilled. However, they are intelligent dogs that may need more mental stimulation than the average dog. It is recommended owners of this breed utilize interactive games to provide mental enrichment.
9) Pomeranian
Another dog breed that’s overall a good pick for first-time owners other than being low energy is the Pomeranian. These companion dogs are among the most popular breeds – and for a good reason. They are affectionate little dogs with a personality much bigger than their small size, making them fun to have around.
Pomeranians have pretty low exercise needs and are content with short walks and play sessions. Daily walks of 20 to 30 minutes are long enough to meet their exercise needs. However, Pomeranians are bold dogs that might have a little too much personality for first-time owners who don’t have the time to invest in training and socialization.
10) Basset Hound
Basset hounds are the last breed in our list of low energy dogs for first-time owners. These dogs are among the most laid-back – they can sleep up to 18 hours a day. When not sleeping, basset hounds are gentle dogs with a relaxed attitude that adapt well to the life of first-time owners looking for a low energy dog.
The laid-back, low energy nature of the basset hound surely makes them a great companion for many, but it is worth noting that they have an independent temperament. Basset hounds were bred for tracking and hunting, so they have a tendency to follow their noses. They require firm training with lots of positive encouragement to ensure they remain attentive to the owner.
Find the Right Low Energy Dog for You
Finding the right low energy dog for you requires an understanding of the breed characteristics as a whole rather than simply taking a look at the exercise needs.
For instance, Pomeranians are low energy dogs that don’t require long walks or intense playtime. However, they have high grooming needs that require frequent brushing and regular visits to a professional groomer to tidy up their appearance. While they may be low energy, this doesn’t make the Pomeranian a suitable dog breed for those looking for a low energy dog because they want a low-maintenance companion.
With this in mind, take the exercise needs of a breed as the starting point for potential options rather than accepting all low energy dogs as an immediate match. Take a look at the temperament, family life, size, training, socialization, and feeding needs of different dog breeds to find the best match.
If you’re not careful with this and you only base your decision around being low energy, you might end up with a dog that doesn’t match your lifestyle and become a burden rather than a companion that brings you and your family joy.